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Writer's pictureS.E. Reed

Chatting about the Adimverse

Recently I came across a new writing platform called Adimverse. I was intrigued and created a profile. I wasn’t really sure how to start, but I saw they were hosting a writing contest and went ahead and entered. Well, much to my surprise, my story The Thing About Bars, was chosen as a #winner!

Through this win, I started connecting with the other artists and creators on Adim, and joined in even more writing projects, like Cammy & Mike, Helmet City and Nyla's Long Neckie World. I’ll tell you, it has been so rewarding to connect with new creators and write and collaborate on projects. One particular person I’ve formed a strong relationship with is the savvy and talented writer, Colette Estelle. She works at Adim and I was thrilled when she agreed to let me interview her. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today! Can you introduce yourself? 

Sure thing! My name's Colette! I'm a 24 year old writer and currently work as the Creator Success Associate at Adim, a collaborative storytelling platform. I studied creative writing at Sarah Lawrence College and mainly write short speculative fiction.

How did you get involved with the Adim project? 

I joined Adim just after graduating college in 2022. I heard about Adim from an old highschool friend who worked on the team and encouraged me to apply for their first ever writer's room. Back then, Adim was just a group of 100 creators meeting over Zoom every weekend to create characters together. I was so happy to be accepted and to have the experience of being in my first writer's room, which was led by Katie McElhenney. From there, I went on to run my own rooms on Adim and eventually found myself a spot on the Adim team! Now, I get to work will all types of different creators on our platform to help them develop their amazing projects.

What is your favorite kind of project to work on? 

I love working with creators who aren't afraid to push the bounds of traditional storytelling and get weird! I'm most excited when I'm introduced to concepts that I've never thought of before, such as projects that transcend genre and work with interesting mediums. I'm always eager to jump into something brand new, and so I'm grateful for creators who open up collaborative opportunities in their projects.

How can new content creators get involved with the Adimverse? 

Just sign in with your email you're in! You can jump right in to making your first project by hitting the big red "Create+" button on the top of the page, or you can scroll through the discover page to see all of the incredible projects taking off already to discover ways to engage and collaborate with the Adim community. 

Do you have any personal or passion projects you want to talk about or show off? 

I've been obsessed with the haunting presence of our digital lives that we live alongside our analog ones, and I explore this theme in many of my stories. I've been working on a couple of longer form stories as well as putting together a collection for the past few years that I'm excited to get out into the world soon. 

For new creators, what is one piece of advice you have? 

Don't be too precious. I think a lot of writers (myself included) can struggle with sharing their work with others before they deem it to be perfect. Personally, nearly all of my work–even stories that have long been published–feels unfinished to me, as I'm constantly struck with new ideas and opportunities for my stories that make me want to tweak and change them endlessly. This has led me into moments of block, where those stories I'm too shy to share end up sitting unfinished. I've found that sharing with others, especially other creatives, can help give perspective to your work and open up revelations in your story or creative process that you may not have found on your own. 


Well, hopefully you enjoyed learning more about Colette and the Adimverse platform! If you join, make sure you check out some of Colette’s stories (they are amazing) and you can check out my work too… And if you take the leap to start creating on Adim, please let me know! I’d love to collaborate with you on a project. 


S.E. Reed

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